Tired as always.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Janet Reid

Janet Reid sat down with me and helped me with my query letter! Literally! Hella rad—on so many levels!!!

On a slightly more mature note, Janet was fabulous. She surprised me by being even funnier than she is when showing her wit in her blog(s). Oh, it wasn’t that she didn’t show her “inner shark” to me, because she did. And I was so grateful—even when she made me blush by going in for that fake bite. ;) Janet was wonderful because she, quite obviously, improved the query letters of everyone that afternoon. I think I could sum it up with one of her words…she made me/us “focus.”

I certainly would count myself among many who were stumped when she put us on the spot. Funny how simplicity is often the most difficult of obstacles. But I was determined. I didn’t drive nine hours to sit there! I wanted to learn from Janet Reid and she gave me the opportunity, without knowing me, or how far I drove, from any other crazy writer. How great is that, right?

So, I have a lot of editing to do on this query letter. Well, I have editing to do on the end of this manuscript. And now I have some to do on the first couple chapters, after some good input from Janet. Lots of work, but that’s okay--back to the grindstone for me.

I won’t be querying until April, as planned. Or perhaps May, with the extra work. The sweet and helpful Suzie, who accompanied/assisted Janet, is an agent as well at the same agency. I am only learning about her today, but she seems invaluable to Ms. Reid and very capable. When I query, I believe I will submit directly to Suzie who really impressed me with her knowledge of YA, her manner, and what I’ve read of her blog. She also looks at sci-fi YA, which is my thing… Yep.

I still plan to do a blog post on my clumsiness of the last couple days. How can I not? Laughs are in too short supply these days. And if you cannot laugh at yourself, then you are a jerk. At least, that’s my opinion.

Once again, Janet Reid rocks!

Must edit…


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I updated the blog a bit. Not much to say. Still editing.

That is all.
